A Trip Well Worth It: Exploring the Alaskan Wilderness
Pictured: The Shafran Siblings in Alaska (Left: Jonah, Middle: Lucas, Right: Annie)
September 15, 2019
Is it a reindeer, an oversized chihuahua, a weird type of cactus? Nope, it’s a caribou. A local native species to Alaska, these funny-looking fluff muffins peruse all over the natural wilderness. Annie, a junior at West Morris Mendham High School, had the pleasure of visiting this untouched land and experiencing all the things it had to offer.
Annie told us that traveling to her destination was almost as much of an adventure as just exploring Alaska. With connecting flights and time differences, the travel was hectic and long, but very worth the wait. With Alaska’s land spreading miles wide, Annie and her family had to choose where to focus their time. They ended up finding themselves in Anchorage, Denali, and the Kenai Fjords. Annie stated that it felt as if she was “stepping into a National Geographic catalog”.
Of all the unforgettable experiences one could have in Alaska, Annie’s favorite moment was her kayaking day trip. On this trip, Annie and her family “were able to kayak up to a glacier” and be within feet of the giant beast. Being so close, Annie was able to hear all of the creaking and cracking of the ice and the water flowing in between the caps. While kayaking around the glacier, they were also able to see the natural wildlife that inhabits the ice– such as penguins, moose, and caribou. Seeing all of the natural beauty really struck with Annie, and will remain a moment she will never forget.
Although Annie loved her once in a lifetime experience, she felt it was just that, once in a lifetime. She saw what she wanted to, had her memories, and doesn’t feel like she needs to go back and see more. She recommends this trip to anyone who wants to disconnect from the 21st-century world and needs a retreat from technology.