Interested in Contributing to The Patriot?


By the Editorial Staff

Even if you are not in the journalism class, you can still be a part of The Mendham Patriot. Whether you want to become a staff member or just write a few, we’re always looking for new voices to contribute to our publications!

If you’re interested in joining us as a staff member, please contact our editors and Mrs. Shannon at [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected] for more information.

If you are interested in contributing to school news, student voices, or our sport sections, please contact associate editor Ren Powers at [email protected].

If you are interested in contributing to world news, domestic news, local news, or politics, please contact associate editor Lindsey Ingrey at [email protected].

If you are interested in contributing to culture contact associate editor Elisabeth Sauerman at [email protected].

If you are interested in contributing to our center, please contact center associate editor Maria eduarda Monaco at [email protected].

If you are interested in contributing to our Instagram (@MHSPatriot) or our website ( with media including photography, podcasts, or art, contact [email protected].