Books with Classic Greek Mythology Retellings

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Allie Richter, Staff Writer

Greek Mythology contains the many stories of the Greek gods, goddesses, and heroes from Ancient Greece. Many of us have been taught and know the classic stories and can relate to the famous stories and characters in them. These stories often focus on the Olympians who are the 12 gods the greek worshipped. They also contain characters who weren’t necessarily gods like Achilles or Odysseus. These stories have been passed down from generation to generation and have spread throughout the world. Many authors are fascinated by these enchanting tales and take it upon themselves to retell the stories from new perspectives or give them a modern spin. 

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One author who does this is Madeline Miller. She is the author of two amazing greek retellings including Circe and The Song of Achilles. Circe follows the daughter of the Titan Helios, Circe. She is not like her mother or father, not very powerful, and decides to turn to the world of the mortals for comfort and companionship. It is discovered that Circe actually does have power and that she is a witch. Zeus learns of Circe’s friendship with mortals and her new power and banishes her to a deserted island where she must live for the rest of her life, alone. This story follows her life as she crosses paths with many well-known creatures and people from classic greek mythology like the Minotaur, Odysseus, and many others. She finds herself in the path and at odds with one of the most powerful Olympians and she must figure out if she has a place with the gods or if the mortal world is where she belongs. 

Another greek retelling by Madeline Miller is The Song of Achilles. This story

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follows Patroclus, a young and awkward prince who has been exiled from his home. He is sent to live with King Peleus and his song Achilles and just be another nobody under their rule. Achilles is destined for greatness, he is strong, beautiful, and charismatic and has a goddess as a mother. Soon, Achilles and Patroclus form a friendship and go from childhood to adulthood together and their bond becomes more, and deeper. It is then heard that Helen from Sparta has been captured and that they will be going to war in Troy. Achilles who is destined to be a hero joins the fight and Patrocluses love for Achilles causes him to follow. We see their time in the Trojan war and the beautiful and heartbreaking connection that they have with one another. Madeline Miller in both of her greek retellings does an amazing job of keeping the stories fun and interesting but also accurate to the stories they come from.

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A story that focuses more on the gods and their relationship is A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair which focuses on Persephone and Hades. Persephone is the goddess of spring but ever since she was a child, flowers would shrivel at her touch. She decides to move to New Athens and live a simple life disguised as a mortal journalist. Hades is the god of the underworld, ruling the dead and runs a gambling empire in the mortal world. It is rumored that his favorite bets are to be impossible. Persephone finds herself in a contract with Hades with impossible terms: create a life in the underworld or lose her freedom. This follows the classic love story of Persephone and Hades with a dark twist and modern influences. 

A retelling that has recently hit the shelves is Ariadne by Jennifer Saint. This

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novel follows Ariadne who is the princess of Crete. She lives a happy life listening to the story of the gods and heroes of Greece. But underneath her palace, her brother the Minotaur demands a blood sacrifice. Theseus, who is the Prince of Athens, arrives to kill the beast, he catches the attention of Princess Ariadne. Ariadne risks everything and helps Theseus kill the Minotaur. Will, this decision make her happier? What about her younger sister Phaedra that she would leave behind? This story focuses on the women in Greek mythology who are forgotten and is the perfect feminist tale. 

All of these stories bring a new and unique perspective to these classic greek tales and are perfect for anyone. Whether you love Greek mythology and know a lot about it or just looking for an interesting story, these books will provide just that.