Do Burnt Oranges Really Restore Your Taste?

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COVID-19 has ravaged the U.S. and many Americans are dealing with the symptoms of COVID as well as the losses. The most commonly identified symptom of COVID is loss of taste and smell otherwise known as COVID anosmia according to Insider’s interview with Jay Piccirilo, an otolaryngologist. An otolaryngologist specializes in ear, nose, and throat. Recently, TikTok has been sharing a temporary remedy to gain a sense of taste and smell. It is a traditionally Jamaican remedy in which you burn an orange, peel it, and then mix it with brown sugar. It seems to be working wonders for some people.


However, doctors and olfactory specialists tend to disagree. According to Insider, Jay Piccirilo says, “There’s no scientific reason why eating a burnt orange would help someone regain their sense of taste or smell”. According to Piccirilo “…olfactory training (or scent training), could offer a path to healing…taking a big whiff of a strong scent like cinnamon…” He adds that, “We think it works with neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to change.” Pamela Dalton tells TODAY, “…people who attempted to burn an orange to get their senses back had already gained some taste and smell abilities and didn’t realize it yet…” She also attributes it to the “placebo effect”. Dr. Posina tells POPSUGAR, “It takes three to four months of time”. So those who are looking to try the burnt orange remedy for themselves are not advised to because it is a myth. In the meantime, they must be patient or try scent training to try to regain their senses.