Last Minute (But Thoughtful) Holiday Gifts

Parker Abramson, Staff Writer

So much happens in the festive month of December– is Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and/or a birthday creeping up on you? If you have been distracted and buying gifts and one has slipped your mind, here are some thoughtful last minute holiday gifts.

First, and most obviously, a gift card! It is very portable and versatile, a real crowd pleaser. There are many varieties and can be picked up at your local Shoprite, Kings, or CVS. One great card is Starbucks. It’s got it all: coffee, tea, and hot chocolate to keep you warm in the cold weather and excellent lunch food and desserts. It covers all bases whether they like coffee or not. If they have an iPhone, Macbook, or are just a fan of Apple products, an iTunes card is perfect! You can buy apps, use it to buy music, and even buy Apple products such as headphones and dongles and website subscriptions such as Apple music.

Want something simpler that embodies the joy of the holiday itself? Then food is a great gift! You can buy it from the store, or even make it yourself. What you can make with the random ingredients lying around your house may surprise you. The internet has an endless encyclopedia of recipes, many you can use to create fantastic tasting food without leaving the house for ingredients!

Finally, this wonderful, yet underutilized service, is a great gift, a website subscription. You don’t even have to leave the house for this one! Spotify Premium, Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Hulu all have monthly subscriptions and you can gift them to others. You can give someone else a premium type account for a couple months which is a gift that will be used often and has a very high chance of being liked. Most people already have Netflix, so find out what your friend has. Hulu is a great alternative to Netflix because it has many shows that Netflix does not, and Spotify Premium better supports the artists and has no ads, score!

So overall, don’t stress about gift giving, these holidays are about showing how much you appreciate the people in your life and these gifts are the perfect way to make that clear.