2021 Summer Olympics; Are they happening?

November 30, 2020
For those who hold a passion for the Olympic games, you will be thrilled to read that the 2021 Summer Olympics will actually take place next year. The Japanese government and Olympic Committee (IOC) have agreed to go forward in holding the Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games next summer. There has been speculation concerning if the games would take place due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the Japanese Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide and Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko met to formally agree to move forward and to review all of the protocols regarding the Pandemic. The government is also considering allowing athletes to enter Japan without a 14-day self-quarantine period, in favor of testing at point of entry in Japan and at stadium locations, as well the requirement for a negative test result three days prior to departure. The Japanese government is also distributing a pledge signed by the athletes promising to limit their activities to the stadium and Olympic Village. The pledge consists of an itinerary outlining destinations and modes of transport all around the facilities. Failure to obey these rules may end in eviction from the Village. The Olympic village is built in each city that is hosting the olympic games and serves as a place where all of the athletes, officials, and athletic trainers from around the world can stay. According to The Diplomat, “With more than 11,000 athletes from 206 countries, the Olympic Village will be a base for some 30,000 people with 18,000 beds allocated for members of each nation’s national Olympic committee. Preventing an outbreak of coronavirus clusters in the Olympic Village is therefore a major issue, and organizers are weighing a proposal to house athletes in hotels to prevent the spread of COVID-19 between athletes.” With confidence, IOC Vice President John Coates said the games would take place with or without COVID-19. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak Japan is putting is primarily focused on providing safety for athletes and fans. The official date of the games is July 23, 2021 and tickets can be sold ranging from anywhere less than $18 to $2,760 per event. Whether you watch them on t.v. or find your way to Tokyo it will be an unforgettable event.