Featured Artist: Daniel Hellreigel
by: Anneka Lambert
April 6, 2020
Daniel Hellriegel is a multi-talented junior here at West Morris High School. Over the years he has taken part in theater both as a performer and a student director, sang with the select choir “Mendham Voices,” and both the auditioned and non-auditioned boys acapella groups. He was initially drawn to acapella because of the friendly and fun community. Men In Black is the non-auditioned boy’s acapella group, it’s counterpart being Ladies in Red, and “is a comfortable place where you can talk to everybody.” Daniel joined choir class this school year, and currently sings with
. While Daniel has been in choir for just a few months, his musical ability has been cultivated over many years.
In addition to being a great singer, Dan has been practicing the piano since he was in the fifth grade. Daniel views playing the piano as an asset to his singing, as he already knew how to read music and has honed his sight-reading skills over the years. Despite the benefits of both playing the piano and being a part of the choir, Daniel says the two practices are very different. He describes the piano as “much more skill based, and singing is much more subjective,” and greatly appreciates that improvement on the piano is measurable.
Music, and being around music, has the appeal of being pure fun. Daniel describes himself as a musical kid, and wants to continue to keep music near him into adulthood, however he doesn’t think he would pursue a career in the industry. He wants to continue participating in music simply because it is fun. Daniel’s taste in music is definitely fun, as his favorite style to sing is either jazz or belting. “There is no in between, it’s either growly or screaming.” Dan’s versatility has proved to be very useful, as he has had many solos in acapella songs throughout his choir experience, and can embrace musical challenges with optimism and confidence.
While participating in choir class and the after school groups, Daniel also plays a pivotal part in Mendham Players’ productions as both an actor and a student director. He says that having the lens of a student director has personally been helpful, as he is more aware of what people want to see from the audience. Dan has also found that he has gained a “different respect for getting notes,” and that the directors are simply, “looking for the best product.” Daniel is aware that criticisms are not ill intentioned, and is willing to be flexible and collaborative to create a memorable performance.
Daniel’s artistic ability stretches far, as does his appreciation for the arts. There is no doubt that wherever life takes him, he will excel.