Artist of the Week: Sarah Heditsch, Fashion Photographer

Catherine Callahan, Editor-in-Chief

Luminous colors characterize her photographs: a rich contrast of dynamic textures lacing their way against black backgrounds. With these artistic intentions, Senior Sarah Heditsch masterfully stages her photography to showcase what she is most passionate about: fashion.

“Bright colors, patterns, crazy makeup, and unique settings really inspire me,” Sarah detailed for The Patriot. “All these elements make my photos unique and attract viewers.” These nuances in her portraits and fashion photographs are more than evident; notice in the photo below the glitter accentuating both a synthesis of colored lights and facial features.

What distinguishes Sarah more than her artform itself is the fact that photography is not simply a hobby but a career. In the fall, Sarah will be attending the Fashion Institute of Technology with a focus in fashion photography. “FIT has been recently ranked as the #1 fashion school in the world,” she noted, “so I’m super excited to learn and get inspirations from the best!”

Why the passion for fashion? Sarah responds immediately, bright with awe and excitement: “I love fashion photography in particular because fashion has such a major role in the world. I find it so amazing how fashion photography allows different cultures and designers’ visions to be seen.”

To any underclassmen interested in pursuing art in their higher education and careers, Sarah offers advice from her own experience: “My advice to young artists would be to stay motivated and follow your passion.”

Here at The Patriot, we wish her the best of luck with her future plans and look forward to seeing what is to come! For a better look at her work, check her out at @sdhphotos_ on Instagram!