Fun Facts and Polls!

Julia Baggio

  1. February is named after the Latin word februum which means purification.
  2. Before 2002, Super Bowl Sunday was held the last Sunday in January, but since 2002 it is more commonly held the first Sunday of February.
  3. February is Hot-Breakfast Month!
  4. Monowi, Nebraska is the only town in the United States with a population of one person.
  5. There are more public libraries than McDonald’s in the United States.
  6. The British royal family is not allowed to play Monopoly.
  7. The voice actor of Mickey Mouse married the voice actress of Minnie Mouse.
  8. In Queensland, Austalia it’s illegal to own a pet rabbit unless you are a magician.
  9. T-shirts were originally marketed to unmarried men who didn’t know how to sew buttons back on collared shirts by themselves.
  10. 15% of U.S women send themselves flowers on Valentines Day
  11. Men spend double what women spend on Valentine’s day: $158.71 compared to $75.79
  12. Since 1888, George Washington’s Farewell Address has been read in the Senate on February 22nd of most years.
  13. The surface of Mars is covered in rust, giving the planet its red color.  
  14. Elephants drink an equivalent of 800 glasses of water a day.
  15. Bears do not go to the bathroom for months when they are hibernating.
  16. The average teenager knows about 60,000 words.
  17. At Cornell University you can major in Wine, more technically known as the cultivation of grapes and the science of winemaking.
  18. Spotify’s most streamed song is “All I Want for Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey.
  19. A single cloud can weigh 1 million pounds.
  20. You cannot snore and dream at the same time.
  21. A sneeze travels at about 100 miles per hour.
  22. Ketchup was used as medicine back in the 1930s.
  23. The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body.
  24. Dolphins sleep with one eye open!
  25. February is the shortest month of the year!