Who is William Barr?


Lindsey Ingrey, Global and Domestic News Editor

William Barr is President Trump’s pick for Attorney General of the United States. If confirmed by the Senate, he will very likely become the chief law enforcement officer in the US. Barr, 68, has an impressive record, practicing as an attorney before serving as George H. W. Bush’s Attorney General. Barr was confirmed unanimously, and was hard on crime during his tenure with the Bush administration, overseeing investigations like the one into Manuel Noriega, the former dictator of Panama who was convicted of racketeering and the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.

Barr appeals to Trump, not only because he is a member of the Republican Party and tough on crime, as he wrote an unusual memo concerning the Mueller Investigation. In his 19 page memo to the Department of Justice, Barr wrote that the investigation was “fatally misconceived” and expressed the belief that Mueller should not be allowed to subpoena President Trump. Even though he has made recent statements supporting the Mueller investigation, Senate Democrats are still worried. However, Barr is expected to be confirmed in the near future as Senate Republicans hold a majority over the minority Democrats.


Photo Courtesy of the ACLU