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The Student News Site of West Morris Mendham High School

The Patriot

The Student News Site of West Morris Mendham High School

The Patriot

The Student News Site of West Morris Mendham High School

The Patriot

Jaden Yap

Jaden Yap, Staff Writer

I’m a senior who likes to sketch, read and study history, as well as playing French Horn and doing sports such as track and fencing. I also participate in Marching Band as a mellophone player, which is more or less a fat silver trumpet. I sometimes participate in the school play as a member of the crew. I enjoy writing about economic and political affairs, particularly global topics, and I am participating in journalism to give me an chance to learn more about both these topics and the nature of writing about them. A fun fact about myself would be that I am a Canadian citizen in addition to being an American one.

All content by Jaden Yap

Planting Trees in Puerto Rico

Jaden Yap, Staff Writer
September 23, 2021
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