The new documentary, Monsters, delves into the notorious and chilling case of Lyle and Erik Menendez, two brothers who were convicted of murdering their parents, José and Mary Louise Menendez, in 1989. This documentary offers a fresh perspective on the Menendez brothers, examining the complexities of their case while providing an emotional and dramatic portrayal of the events leading up to the murders. Through standout performances, emotional depth, and a careful exploration of the real-life case, Monsters keeps viewers on the edge of their seats while asking tough questions about justice, trauma, and family.
The documentary features Cooper Koch as Erik Menendez and Nicholas Chavez as Lyle Menendez, and both actors deliver powerful performances that truly capture the complexity of these two controversial figures. Koch portrays Erik as a sensitive, anxious, and deeply conflicted young man, struggling to process the years of abuse he claims to have suffered at the hands of his father. Koch effectively conveys Erik’s vulnerability, showing him as a person torn between his loyalty to his brother and the crushing weight of his psychological scars.
Chavez’s portrayal of Lyle is equally impressive, offering a more composed but equally tortured character. Lyle is shown as the more confident of the two, but Chavez’s performance reveals the cracks in Lyle’s bravado, especially in scenes where his emotions begin to break through his tough exterior. Chavez effectively brings out Lyle’s internal turmoil and guilt, and the tension between the two brothers, often unspoken but deeply felt, is palpable throughout the film.
Several key scenes in Monsters stand out, particularly in highlighting the brothers’ trauma without sensationalizing the violence. One of the most emotionally charged moments comes when Erik recalls the years of abuse he allegedly endured at the hands of their father. Koch captures the raw emotion of Erik’s confession, offering a glimpse into the immense psychological damage the brothers suffered long before the murders. These moments humanize Erik, making his eventual actions feel tragic rather than merely criminal. Chavez’s portrayal of Lyle in the courtroom is another highlight of the documentary. In one powerful scene, Lyle breaks down during his testimony, pleading with the jury to understand the years of torment he and his brother experienced. Chavez’s performance underscores the emotional weight of Lyle’s guilt and confusion, adding layers to the character beyond the media portrayal of the “spoiled” rich kid who murdered his parents for money.
The real-life trial of Lyle and Erik Menendez was fraught with public skepticism. Many believed the brothers killed their parents for financial gain, and the media’s portrayal of them as privileged and entitled seemed to overshadow their claims of abuse. While the documentary does not shy away from the horrific nature of the crime, it forces the audience to question whether the brothers’ actions were a result of deep trauma and fear, or if they were simply driven by greed.
As the Menendez brothers face a new trial on January 20th, the Monsters documentary serves as a timely reminder of the complexities of their case. After decades of legal battles, there’s renewed attention on whether the brothers were truly victims of abuse, or if they were simply spoiled killers who murdered for financial gain. The upcoming retrial could change the outcome of their case, especially with new advancements in the understanding of trauma and how it affects behavior.
The documentary raises important questions about whether the justice system has properly accounted for the psychological damage the brothers endured. This case is far from over, and Monsters ensures that the story remains in the public conversation, it’s entertaining, action-packed, and worth a watch.