High School Junior Tests Viral Tik Tok Trend

This Trader Joe’s is one of the largest in the country, located in Essex Crossing with 30,000 square feet on 400 Grand St, Cellar NY.

Alexa Bayer, Freelance Writer

Viral trends on Tik Tok have been booming for the past few years now. Most recently, Trader Joe’s taste test toks with popular snacks have been on the rise everywhere you look. Lauren Fischbach,  junior at Mendham High School, has taken me through her journey to Trader Joe’s, to see for herself if these popular snacks actually lived up to their hype. 

Sixteen year old Lauren who said she’s into social media explained that she and her sister had watched many of the famous videos over the summer as they couldn’t seem to get away from them while scrolling on their “for you page.” Since her sister is older and not as involved in Tik Tok, Lauren took the initiative on this “project.” “The whole experience is one I loved and would definitely recommend.” says Fishbach. She says the entire activity took about three hours in total, from driving to the store, picking out the items, going home and having the taste test; and of course just being a busy family with lots of things to do and not always a lot of time. Although there were a lot of snacks she had in mind when going to the store, she didn’t have an actual list of items she physically wrote down and made sure to buy. Instead, she made a mental note of all the snacks she needed to buy based on what she was viewing on the app. Lauren gives an estimate of about 15 total snacks bought amongst her family.“But did the snacks actually live up to all the rave online?” I asked. She immediately responded with a big nod and smile. “Absolutely,” she responded. According to Lauren the top three must haves are the “chocolate peanut butter pretzels,” the “dark chocolate peanut butter cups,” and the “tortilla lime chips.” She had her suspicions as to how good these snacks could actually be, but they “turned out to be better than expected.” Not only did the taste testing of these snacks surprise Lauren by how good they were, but the price was something she couldn’t imagine. 

Lauren said the snacks were “relatively cheap,” and even goes on to add that they were half the price of the snacks at Kings. In her opinion, she believes that what sets Trader Joe’s apart from other brands and stores is that their items are made with better quality products, which makes the items themselves taste a lot better. What makes Trader Joe’s such a fun and unique place is that there is truly something for everyone. “

” Not only do they have a variety, but they are very well stocked, which came as a surprise to Lauren, since she didn’t think they could possibly have all the snacks she had seen online. When it comes to this entire idea, it was a success and “something I would hands down try at a different store,” but as of now she is still unsure where exactly that could be.