Competitive Breakdancing will now be a sport at the Olympics

December 11, 2020
Breakdancing is now going to be at the Olympics!
For the 2024 Paris Olympics, 41 additional events were proposed at the meeting on Monday. Breaking was one of the 41 sports trying to be added to the Olympics and made it! On Monday, December 7, 2020, they made this decision to add Breakdancing to the Olympics. They decided to add this specific sport to the Olympics “in hopes of appealing to a younger audience” (ESPN). The 2024 Olympics in Paris will be the first Olympics to have this event.
In the 1970s breakdancing was called breaking in the U.S. which is why it will be labeled as Breaking at the Olympics. It is always exciting to see new sports being added to the Olympics. Especially a sport like this. Breaking will definitely appeal to many different audiences and will be entertaining for all. It is interesting to see where all the athletes will be competing in Paris and “breaking has been given a prestige downtown venue, joining sport climbing and 3-on-3 basketball at Place de la Concorde”( AJC). For the usual Olympics, all athletes stay in their village for the entire game but due to Covid, they are going to have to change that rule. Due to Covid many of the traditional rules at the Olympics will be adjusted to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Even though the Olympics will have a bunch of different rules compared to previous years it will still be super fun to watch. Especially with breakdancing being added it will add another sport to look forward to watching.