A Review of Taylor’s Ice Cream

February 18, 2020
“Taylor’s Ice Cream is definitely the best ice cream place in the area. The Ice cream is really good, they give you huge scoops, and the people there are so nice” -Timmy Flanagan.
Very few places in the Chester community matter as much as Taylor’s Ice Cream. Located in the center of the town square, It is a hub not only for ice cream, but social interaction. So is Taylor’s Ice cream really that good or is it all hype. I went to Taylor’s to answer this question once and for all. I got a chocolate, cream, and berry flavor with no toppings. Also, the soft serve was consumed. This was a strict ice cream taste test with no outside influence.
Death by Chocolate- This flavor consists of a chocolate ice cream base with chocolate chips and brownie bits. Overall this ice cream was almost flawless. As someone who will openly tell you I am addicted to chocolate, this blew me away. Despite being three components of chocolate, I never felt overpowered by the chocolate. It is a fine line between being sweet, but still keeping that cocoa taste. OVERALL: 9/10
Cookie Monster- Not going to lie this one kind of intimidated me at first. It’s bright blue color made me stray away from it, but Jordan, the nice man working the scoop talked me into it. A Cookies and Creme base with cookie dough bits mixed in. I thought the ice cream itself was quite good, but the combination was questionable. Cookies and creme in itself is very sweet and adding cookie dough really sent it too far if you ask me. The ice cream itself was flames though, so I would say go for the regular cookies and creme. OVERALL: 6.5/10
Strawberry Fields – I do not personally like berry flavored things. They kinda offend me because they all taste like regular berries. If you want to taste a strawberry then just eat a strawberry, it is actually good for you. As a journalist I have a duty to do though and it was actually pretty pleasant. I would even go to say I kind of enjoyed it. It was a textbook creamy strawberry ice cream executed pretty much flawlessly. Overall 8/10
Soft Serve- You can always tell the quality of an ice cream store by its twist soft serve. One third chocolate, one third vanilla, and one third chemicals. Taylor’s did not disappoint. I usually like to mix in oreos, but for the sake of the review I went in with none. It was a textbook from the soft serve machine straight into the rainbow cone. No flaws at all. Overall 9/10.
Upon concluding my tests I have come to a conclusion. Taylor’s Ice cream is not over hyped at all. Not only did every ice cream taste good, but the service was nice and quick. Especially when I asked for pretty much all of their flavors. I highly recommend Taylor’s Ice cream.