The Ban on the Restriction of Transgenders in the Military has been Lifted

The transgender flag, invented U.S. Navy veteran Monica Helms
January 23, 2019
President Trump and his administration have pushed for a restriction of Transgenders from the U.S. military. On Tuesday the 23 of January, the supreme court voted five to four to prohibit the inclusion, the four opting not to approve being the liberals present. This move comes despite the lack of evidence proving there is any negligible impact on the strength of the military, on the cohesion of combat troops, or on the leadership of said groups. The ban is more of an act of discrimination than one that has the security of the nation as its main priority.
The ban itself does not place a mandate on the restriction of transgender individuals, however, it determines the discrimination of these people to be completely constitutional. More than an act of intolerance toward these people, it is a spit in the face of all the work that has been done for the LGBTQ community in the U.S., as the Department of Defense is the single largest employer in the world. Senator Tammy Ducksworth was appalled by the decision by the supreme court and gave her insight that many found powerful, that “When I was bleeding to death in my Black Hawk helicopter on that dusty field in Iraq, I didn’t care if the American troops risking their lives to help save me were gay, straight, transgender, black, white, male or female, all that mattered was they didn’t leave me behind.”