Spirit Week- a Great Way to Kick off the Fall

Student TJ Gembala shows off his Hawaiian Day school spirit.

Kiril Hadjipetkov, Staff Writer

This week so far has been quite colorful, unique, and most importantly, packed with spirit. With the purpose of celebrating school pride, spirit week combines four days into a multitude of expressions, unity, and most importantly fun. This is simply done through specific (optional) “dress-codes” that are assigned to each day of the week. This year’s layout went like this; Monday as pajamas, Tuesday as Hawaiian shirts, Thursday as jerseys, and Friday as colors respective to each grade. On Friday, the senior color is white, junior color is red, sophomore color is blue, and freshmen color is black. Due to the first day of the Jewish Holiday Yom Kippur beginning on October 8th, Wednesday, there is no assigned spirit weekday because of the day off.

While the themes are basic, there are many things that can be done in order to exceed the expectations of spirit week and school pride. Pajama day has included attire such as onesies and full sleeping outfits in the past, and this will never get old as it truly is a staple of the school year. On Hawaiian day, teachers and students alike have been seen not only wearing Hawaiian shirts, but also bucket hats, sunglasses, sandals, and bathing suits.  Jersey day is fun as well, because it gives each student a chance to represent a team that they support, whether it be in the NFL, MLB, or even a Mendham High School team. This is done through jerseys, bucket hats, baseball caps, team shorts, anything that represents the student’s team of choice. Finally, the week ends with the colors which closes out the week with unified bursts of color that turn the WMMHS community into one.