Saving Strays One Cat at a Time
Jordan’s most recent rescue, Tedward.
September 13, 2019
Usually, when cats are seen out in the wild, it does not phase people and they casually continue on with their day. It is believed by most that the cat will be fine and that is just what cats do; wander and scavenge for food. Regular people wouldn’t bat an eye, but not Jordan.
Stray cats are an underestimated issue within the United States. There are anywhere from 35-75 million strays in the U.S. according to the Professional Wildlife Removal Group. Due to Jordan’s attentiveness to wildlife issues, he made an effort to change the culture of how we view stray cats. Within his past two summer vacations, Jordan rescued two kittens directly off the streets, and one from a shelter. Mitty, Mylah, and Tedward, are the recent additions to the Larrabee family. None of the new cats are similar in looks, but they are all “absolutely adorable” according to Jordan himself.
Jordan very passionately took the side of cats over dogs. When asked about which he preferred, he answered that due to their independent nature and ability to “clean themselves, cats all the way”. He also explained that rescuing a kitten is accompanied by a very “rewarding” feeling that makes you want to do it over again. Mainly for the reason of helping a national issue, but also to have a new center of attention in the family, Jordan rescued a stray, and then another, and another. He explained that each time you gain a greater self fulfillment in giving a cat a home and that he will most likely take in another stray if the opportunity presents itself.
If you know of any stray cats in your area, call the local animal shelter or an adoption agency to take precautionary measures in helping the United States stray cat issue.